


Are you aware of behavioural and emotional disorders in children? During the developmental years of a child, constant growth and change are signified. This fact should be strictly kept in mind while dealing with behavioural and emotional disorders in children. Brain disorders like bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety disorders may affect any child during early […]

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The skin of a newborn baby is very fragile. It is thin and has low pigmentation. It takes quite some time (about a year) for the epidermis to develop and function effectively. Once the baby turns one, the skin gets thicker and more immune to skin problems. Here are some common skin problems found in […]

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If your child has become increasingly addicted to sweets and other sugary items, this addiction can lead to certain behavioral problems (like mood swings, irritability, anger, etc) in children. Moreover, a high sugar intake can lead to your child falling prey to serious diseases and conditions, including diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.  Here’s what you […]

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Spitting up, refusing to try new foods and occasionally turning up their noses at feeding times, is normal but consistently refusing food and water, vomiting and allergies may indicate an underlying medical condition that requires attention. Common feeding problems that affect infants include sucking, prolonged chewing without swallowing, holding food in their mouth and grabbing […]

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When your child suddenly has blood pouring from their nose, it can be startling. Apart from the urgency to contain the blood, you may be wondering how in the world the nosebleed started. Fortunately, while nosebleeds in children can seem dramatic, they’re not usually serious. Here are the most common causes of nosebleeds in kids, […]

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