Find nearby healthcare

Use ReachMyDoctor desktop and mobile app, to find nearby clinic, hospital, labs, and pharmacy book appointments on the go. Walk into clinic in time and meet doctor.

Why use ReachMyDoctor?

Location and Hours

From walk-ins, family clinics, pharmacies to hospitals, find the nearest healthcare provider anytime, any day and book appointments.

Online Booking

Need to book an appointment but don’t want to call? Use our online e-Booking system to schedule time with your doctor, pharmacist and more.


Add a family member. Book a health check. Consult a Doctor. Digitize Medical reports. Share your profile with doctor. These are just a few things that you can do to start with.




See all available time slots and book appointments with just a few clicks.


Find nearest healthcare

Find your nearest clinic, hospital, labs and make an appointment at your convenience.


Avoid waiting

Avoid the waiting room and enter a virtual queue with our Virtual Waiting Room.

Get started today